This concept, named "Enchanted Planet," invites visitors to feel like they're in a different world by offering distinct experiences from both inside and outside.
The exterior of the store is captivating with a window resembling the depths of the ocean where a magnificent mermaid figure is suspended, inviting you inside. Stepping through the door, you suddenly find yourself in a planet whose name you didn't even know. Surrounding you are reddish rocks, pools of water in hollows in the rocks, fine sand, and a clear sky. The products are scattered around as if the inhabitants of the planet disappeared suddenly, leaving their clothing behind. The materials and products, though abandoned, are so beautiful that you can't resist trying them on. With each experience, you leave an impression on this planet just like the other inhabitants.
The materials forming the shell of this planet and filling its interior reflect your memories: glass, mirrors, metal, and phosphorescent fabrics. Inside the cabinet, there are packages prepared according to your body memory.